发布时间: 2016-02-18 作者: 浏览次数: 85864
3/1, 8:30-3:00pm, Washington, DC. Sponsors: US-Korea Institute, SAIS, Johns Hopkins, Asia Policy Point. Speakers: Taina Bien-Aimé, Executive Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women; Dr. Caroline Norma, lecturer in the Master of Translating and Interpreting degree in RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, Melbourne, Australia, author, The Japanese Comfort Women and Sexual Slavery during the China and Pacific Wars (2016) [ http://amzn.to/1o6KIKE ]; Katharine (Kathy) H.S. Moon, inaugural holder of the SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies and senior fellow at the Brookings Center for East Asia Policy Studies; author, Sex Among Allies: Military Prostitution in U.S.-Korea Relations (1997) [http://amzn.to/1SjoGAA]; Griselda Molemans, Dutch researcher and investigative journalist, founder of the Task Force for Dutch Indies War Reparations (Dutch acronym: TFIR; Task Force Indisch Rechtsherstel); Hilde Janssen, Dutch Journalist and author Schaamte en Onschuld [Shame and Innocent] and Troostmeisjes/Comfort Women (2013) [http://amzn.to/1Q9ABus]; Peipei Qiu, Professor of Chinese and Japanese on the Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred Lichtenstein Chair, Vassar College, author Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves (2014) [http://amzn.to/1Q9x4MF]; M. Evelina Galang, Professor of English, University of Miami, author, Angel de la Luna and the 5th Glorious Mystery (2013) [http://amzn.to/1Q9xp1T] and the forthcoming nonfiction Lolas’ House:  Women Living with War; Dr. Yukiko Hanawa, Department of East Asian Studies, New York University. Location: SAIS, Johns Hopkins, Kenney Auditorium, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Contact: http://uskoreainstitute.org/events/unfinishedapologies/